Jalapeño (Jalafuego)

Jalapeño (Jalafuego)

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A classic Jalapeño that's got some bite. Our high yielding Jalafuego Jalapeño is an excellent all rounder and produces early in the growing season to give you spicy peppers all summer long. Jalafuego plants well in a container so you can move it inside and harvest hot peppers all year! Let them grow longer on the branch and enjoy even hotter red chilis! You can plant Jalafuego with other peppers and tomatoes.


Planting and Care Instructions

Jalapeno peppers like to be in full sun and only watered once or twice a week depending on the temperatures. Plant them 1 per square foot. Harvest when peppers are 4 inches long. Leave to ripen on the branch longer to get hotter red chilis. The longer they ripen the hotter they get.

Full sun
Twice a week
One per square foot
Container Friendly